Managed IT Services

For many small and medium businesses, having the right expertise on your IT staff is challenging. It's nearly impossible to staff all of the technical experts you need, and managing outages, data backups, updates or moves/adds/changes can be challenging even for the most complete IT teams.

With ATEL Technologies on your side, you can bolster your current IT staff without having to maintain a full roster of employees that you only need once in a while. Here are just a few of the proactive IT Managed Services that our team provides:

Latest Managed IT Service articles from ATEL

5 Ways Access Control can Improve the Security of Your Business

November 9th, 2019 by admin

A biometric access control system

It doesn't matter what industry you're in, commercial, corporate, industrial, or hospitality; your facilities security is essential. You need to make sure that your employees are working in a secure environment, and that only those with clearance can...

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Posted in: Home Office Solutions, I.T. Services, Security, Technology, Web/Tech, Solution, Services

The Importance of an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan

June 8th, 2019 by admin

Servers in a row

Anything can negatively affect your business at any time, so having a business continuity plan with an effective disaster recovery component is vital. Any company with a substantial amount of data and information whether big or small should plan for...

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Posted in: Data Backup & Disaster Recovery, I.T. Services, Technology, Solution, Support

How to Avoid Telecom Outages

February 3rd, 2014 by admin

Contact ATEL for your no cost outage assessment! Some businesses live and die based upon their constant communication with their customers every minute of every day. For these businesses, telecom outages can be disastrous. ATEL is a TelePacific Master...

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Posted in: Data Backup & Disaster Recovery, I.T. Services, IT Solutions, Security